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- /*
- ** CTerminalPane.h
- **
- ** TerminalPane library
- ** Terminal display pane
- **
- ** Copyright © 1993-94, FrostByte Design / Eric Scouten
- **
- */
- #pragma once
- #include "CPanorama.h"
- /*
- ** These constants define the terminal size. You may change them here. With a little
- ** work, these parameters could be changed on the fly. But I haven’t been so ambitious. :-P
- */
- #define maxX 80 // width of screen
- #define maxY 24 // height of screen
- #define pixelsX 6 // default font char width (Monaco 9)
- #define pixelsY 11 // default font char height
- #define offsetX 4 // horizontal offset from screen edge
- #define offsetY 4 // vertical offset from screen edge
- #define sizeX 488 // 80 columns * 6 pixels + 8 margin
- #define sizeY 272 // 24 rows * 11 pixels + 8 margin
- // define the characters we will recognize
- #ifndef _ASCII
- enum { // standard ASCII keycodes
- charNUL = 0,
- charBEL = 7,
- charBS,
- charHT,
- charLF,
- charVT,
- charFF,
- charCR,
- charDEL = 127
- };
- #define _ASCII 1
- #endif
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** CTerminalPane
- **
- ** This class provides a rudimentary terminal emulator. It’s nothing fancy or snazzy.
- ** It doesn’t do VT100; it doesn’t do scrollback; it doesn’t handle any kind of formatting.
- **
- */
- class CTerminalPane : public CPanorama {
- protected:
- char theScreen[maxY][maxX]; // contents of the screen
- short theColumn; // terminal cursor column number
- short theLine; // terminal cursor line number
- Boolean blinkCursor; // cursor blinking is enabled
- Boolean cursorVis; // cursor is inverted
- Boolean disableKeyScroll; // disable Home/End/PageUp/PageDown
- short lastCursorCol; // position of displayed cursor
- short lastCursorLine;
- long lastCursorTick; // time at last cursor flash
- short charsToInvalLine; // trigger optimization to invalidate entire line at once
- // contructors
- public:
- CTerminalPane();
- CTerminalPane(CView* anEnclosure, CBureaucrat* aSupervisor,
- short aWidth = 0, short aHeight = 0,
- short aHEncl = 0, short aVEncl = 0,
- SizingOption aHSizing = sizELASTIC,
- SizingOption aVSizing = sizELASTIC);
- void ITerminalPane(CView* anEnclosure, CBureaucrat* aSupervisor,
- short aWidth, short aHeight, short aHEncl, short aVEncl,
- SizingOption aHSizing, SizingOption aVSizing);
- private:
- void CTerminalPaneX();
- // drawing
- public:
- virtual void Draw(Rect* area);
- // blinking cursor support
- virtual void Dawdle(long* maxSleep);
- virtual Boolean BecomeGopher(Boolean fBecoming);
- virtual void SetBlinking(Boolean blinkMode);
- // scrolling
- virtual void ScrollToSelection();
- virtual void DisableKeyScroll(Boolean disable);
- virtual void DoKeyDown(char theChar, Byte keyCode, EventRecord* macEvent);
- // terminal emulation methods
- virtual void DoClearScreen();
- virtual void DoWriteChar(char theChar);
- virtual void DoWriteStr(char* theStr);
- virtual void DoWriteBfr(char* theStr, short theSize);
- virtual void DoWriteCharNum(char theChar, char leftBracket, char rightBracket);
- virtual void DoEraseChar();
- virtual void DoEraseLine();
- // private screen handling methods
- protected:
- virtual void ClearToEOL(short col, short line);
- virtual void ClearToEOS(short col, short line);
- virtual void ScrollTerm();
- virtual void InvalCharRect(short left, short top, short right, short bottom);
- virtual void CursorMoved();
- virtual void CalcCharRect(short left, short top, short right, short bottom, LongRect* theRect);
- virtual void InvertCursor(short col, short line);
- };